A Thousand Paper Cuts

Kristie K
2 min readOct 6, 2021

There are at least a thousand paper cuts on my heart.

A thousand paper cuts …. like a thousand bee stings can kill you. Or at least you might feel like you are dying. The slow bleed and stinging take forever to fade and inadvertent movements tear them wide open again. Sometimes we don’t even know they are there until they hurt.

They tell stories of foolishness and sadness. Abrupt endings, where harsh words were cast, bitterness, and disappointment. They are the slow killers of hope. They make us act differently and treat others with suspicion. They steal away our courage and direct us to the path of least resistance.

(Insert ironic smile) The path of least resistance is a hoax. It lulls us to sleep with its whispers of ease. We waste countless days and weeks hoping that the path leads to fruition. It doesn’t. It leads to a thousand more papercuts. It is the path of avoidance of unpleasant and uncomfortable feelings that meet us at the end ten fold larger and stronger. We all know this but seem to fall for it’s charm anyway. The sweet siren song of avoiding unnecessary heartache.

I don’t remember each paper cut, only that they are there. Perhaps examined up close they will divulge their individual stories. More important are than the stories are the lessons learned.



Kristie K

Ramblings of my somewhat off kilter perspective based on life and observations of other people.